Privacy Policy

The Littles’ Club is the trading name of Emma Novak.


Emma Novak trading as The Littles’ Club (“We” or “us”) are committed to protecting your personal data. This Privacy and Cookies Policy sets out the basis on which any personal data we collect from you, or that you provide to us, will be processed by us. We will comply with all data protection laws including the UK General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”).


Personal data we collect 

When you submit an enquiry form on our website, we may collect your personal data which may include your name, email address and phone number and also the names and personal details of any other individuals you include on the enquiry form. 

When you complete a booking form or talk to us on the telephone, we may also collect your personal data which may include your name, email address, phone number, billing address, address for the event and payment details and also the names and personal details including health information of any other individuals you include on the booking form or provide to us.

References in this Policy to “your personal data” include the personal data of the person making the order as well as any other individuals identified when submitting an enquiry form, completing a booking form or speaking to us.

How we use your personal data

We only use your personal data so that we can deal with your order and to provide you with information about our services related to your order. The legal ground that we can do this under the GDPR is so that we can perform our contract with you to provide the services you have ordered. 

We will not provide your details to any third parties except where we are legally obliged to do so. 

We will not transfer any of your personal data outside of the UK or the European Economic Area (“EEA”).

Keeping your personal data 

We will only hold on to your personal data for as long as is necessary for the purpose for which it was collected including to satisfy any legal, accounting or reporting requirements. At the end of that retention period, your personal data will be deleted completely and securely.

Security of your personal data  

All personal data you provide to us via our website, on any booking form or when speaking to us is stored securely within the UK or the EEA. 

Your records are stored:

• On paper, in a locked filing cabinet only accessible by Emma Novak; 

• Electronically on Outlook (if a booking form or other information was emailed);

• On a laptop and phone, which are password-protected, backed up regularly and only accessible by Emma Novak.

We endeavour to do our best to protect your personal data. However, transmission of information over the internet is not entirely secure and is done at your own risk. We cannot ensure the security of your personal data transmitted to our website.

Your rights

Under certain circumstances, you have rights under data protection laws in relation to your personal data: 

      • to request access to your personal data;

      • to request correction of your personal data;

      • to request deletion of your personal data;

      • to request transfer of your personal data;

      • to request restriction of processing your personal data;

      • to object to processing of your personal data;

      • a right to withdraw any consent that you have given;

      • a right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office (“ICO”).

We want you to be absolutely confident that we are treating your personal data responsibly and that we are doing everything we can to make sure it is kept secure. 

If you have any queries or otherwise wish to contact us regarding your personal data, please email us at or visit the ICO website if you wish to find out more about your rights.


Our website may use cookies to distinguish you from other users of our website. This helps us to provide you with a good experience when you browse our website and also allows us to improve our website. We do not use cookies to identify you as an individual and if you wish, you can block the use of cookies by following the instructions on your internet browser. However, please note that if you do this you may not be able to use the full functionality of our website.

The table below lists the cookies we may collect and what information they store:

Name of cookie & Information stored

_UTMA: Records the time of your first visit, previous visit, and current visit.

_UTMB & _UTMC: Indicates when your visit starts and approximately ends.

_UTMZ: Indicates how you entered the website.

September 2022